Taking the Stress Out of Travel Planning

Traveling is something I have been doing since I was very small. We actually lived at the beach but traveled to the mountains to visit our family on a regular basis. We traveled to Disney World a lot, because we lived nearby. And then after moving to the mountains we spent a week every summer at the beach, one summer we spent two weeks out West, and we went on a cruise. We also went on tons of day trips to the Smoky Mountains and traveled throughout Tennessee and Kentucky to visit family for the weekend. As you can tell, traveling was a high value to us. As I got older I had several chances to travel outside of the country to places such as China and Venezuela. Once married, we continued this tradition of traveling with our own family and have been all over including Jamaica, Mexico, Hawaii, Walt Disney World and more. It’s safe to say that adventuring is in my blood!

stress free travel

Travel Agent

Along with traveling myself, I have had the opportunity to plan travel for others over the last two years! Helping take the stress out of traveling is something I am so passionate about!

Family All-Inclusive

Free Service

Using a travel agent is a FREE service! Yes, that’s right! You can hire me to help you plan as little or as much as you would like and never have to pay me a dime! I can help you plan all Disney destinations, Universal Orlando and Hollywood, Sea World, Discovery Cove and Bush Gardens, all cruise lines, all-inclusive resorts all over Mexico and the Caribbean, and all Hawaiian islands! I am constantly learning and training so that I can give you the best plan and advice possible!

Stress free travel

Travel Possibilities

The travel possibilities are endless! Travel as a family or as a couple, travel with friends, large group travel, travel for a wedding or honeymoon, or more! I can’t wait to help you out!

Stress Free Travel

Contact Me

Contact me to start planning your next vacation email me at heather.wright@polkadotsnwishestravel.com or fill out this form. Also, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to find out about life on Shady Branch Farm and to never miss a travel sale!

Continue to follow long here on the Shady Branch Farm Blog for all of our family adventures both local and far away, for travel tips and for all the life on the farm! I’m excited to hear from you!

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