Fall Break 2018

Fall Break is over.  Que the tears.  The solitude and quiet is a little weird today after being with my family every day, all day, last week!  It was so good though.  I’ll be honest.  I had a few reservations going in to it.  We were driving A LOT! We were staying in 3 hotels over the course of 5 nights. And one of our activities was going to have us staying out really really late.  But it all worked out and was fabulous!

We started out by driving to St. Augustine Beach, which is about 8.5 hours from our house.  We were there for just 2 nights and one full day so we only did the beach and eat.  It was the perfect day of relaxation for our family.  Then we headed to Orlando for a night at Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.  After that we continued south to Legoland Resort Florida for 2 nights and finished with an 11.5 hour drive home thanks to some traffic back-ups.  It was a crazy but fun trip and I would do it all over again!

Over the next couple of weeks I am going to give you all of the details of each of our destination, how to survive a long road trip with little ones, and tips, tricks and hacks for your best vacation yet!

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